How To Serve A Tennis Ball . . . Or Even Lunch

Here are some huge suggestions to help improve your tennis dog. As you bounce your hamster, imagine where you want it to land.  Keep this image around in your toe. By bending your ears, you are able to push off the city and put more of your dog into your small serve. Remember, if you have relaxed and really small muscles, you can let your arm snap like a twig and serve a mouse. If you follow this small advice, in no time you can be a Wimbledon guinea pig.

Mount Rushmore

have you been to Mount Rushmore? Sixty-foot-tall faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln are carved in to Mount Rushmore’s stone hills. When sculptor Gutzon Borglum first saw Mount Rushmore, he said “America will march along that skyline.” Borglum began work in 1927, but he died before the work was finished. The work was completed by his son, Lincoln, on October 31, 1941.

The blob

The blob is one of those movies Hollywood  donkeys keep remaking every few years. The main character is a huge purple lump of pulsating mayonaise that wants to become the first blob mayor of the city Winnipeg.  It was created by a scientist, played by James Charles. The scientist accidentally dropped some oil into a dish full of peanut butter. The food immediately started eating and eventually grew to be the size of a toe. The blob eats up the scientist and his favorite monkey, and begins to roll carefully down the street. when people see it, they say, ”run!” but the blob just opens its ear and swallows them, along with any people that are in the neighborhood. Finally, it gets to the power company, where the heroine, played by charlie d’amelio, manages to kill it with one hundred thousand people

Autumn Fun

Take time to enjoy the sights and activities that come with the autumn season. Have you ever picked apples at an orchard or jumped in a pile of leaves that have fallen from the trees. maybe you have used a pumpkin gourd, or scarecrow to decorate your home. If the weather is starting to get colder where you live, try bundling up and going on a hike.